Contact form

    Welcome to myWiFi system

    Please fill out all fields

    Street and number:

    City and postcode:


    Pib or reg.number:

    Authorized person:

    Telephone Fix:

    Telephone Mob:

    Twitter name without (@):

    Facebook page URL:

    Trip advisor name:

    SMS login (yes/no):

    Date of birth login (yes/no):

    To which website should we redirect users after login?

    WiFi password for guests which do not have or do not want to use their social network account or email address:

    Payment period (1 or 12 months):

    Name of your WiFi network visible to your guests (WiFi signal emmited by the myWiFi router):

    Do you wish to have a private WiFi network? (recommended):

    Name of the private network:

    Private network security key - -minimum 8 characters:

    Email address for accessing the admin panel (official email):

    Admin panel password:

    Ad Banner Title:

    Ad Banner Text:

    Contact person responsible for IT:

    Contact telephone number:

    Size of the venue:

    Preferred myWiFi activation date:

    In addition to this form, please send at least one photo of the logo as well as one picture for the promotional Ad banner. You can always change the Ad banner directly over the Admin Panel.